Cool seeing the 300 SRT drifting on Bell Isle.
Cool seeing the 300 SRT drifting on Bell Isle.
Idk what they think, my grandparents somehow still support the man, and they are somewhat well off when it comes to retirement.
O come on, that stuff is just ridiculous. All you need to do to start your own campaign is do what our President is doing...... And that is promise everyone, everything, for free.
Ahh I see, I drove one of these on the set of Motor City Motors once, sucker was quick, couldn't imagine one with extra power.
OMG a supercharged Ford GT, uhhh wait a second, aren't they ALL supercharged.
LMFAO one girl asks "I love You" What does this mean???? holy shit this is hilarious.
I know right, especially when you have 51% of the population that apparently still supports Obama.
I live here in Detroit, would like to congratulate democrats on their 50 year rule since 1963. The city looks great, its the safest place on earth, and we have less than 1% of people relying on social programs. Great job Democrats.........lololololololol
My dad owns an Auto Salvage yard in Detroit. I work the counter sometimes, its frustrating as fuck how stupid the people are that call.
36 pack of cheez-itz or any other chip/cracker than comes in individual/serving size bags. Eat a serving, toss the bag out (NOT OUT THE WINDOW!), don't have to worry about re-sealing a bag/box and don't have to worry about food getting all over the car. Also Cheez-itz aren't greasy and the small bags are easy to hold,…
This article is just stupid, sorry a private contractor used a ford to work on a Chevy display. P.S. I don't think I have any bias since I love and drive a ford.
2005-2013 Mustang GTs.
LOLOLOL A GTO is on your guy's pick, those are terrible slow, have terrible suspension with no handling, and are super heavy.
Can't be, they hate fox news because fox news has the balls to talk about what a bunch of assholes they are.
License plate like this?
O cool a BMW minivan, wish they had this when I was younger, coulda went to hockey practice in style.
You sure do sound smart.