Roger's Aching Ticker

Her character is listed on IMDB as "Head of the CIA" so knowing Mark Millar's ouvre, there's a chance she may only have to suck the hero off.

It's pretty simple. Her acting hit its peak with Introducing Dorothy Dandrige. It's been downhill since then, including Monster's Ball.

You really don't want to ball that Monster, even though she is Charlize Theron under all those prosthetics.

If the jurors believed the contamination and sample-mishandling arguments the defense raised, they had precious little reason to discuss the DNA evidence. No reason to argue about the validity of the tests if you don't believe that they tested reliable, uncontaminated samples.

People eating scaly ocean creatures? Even in pill form, that's absurd, sir!

"Cops are killing unarmed people in the street and not serving a day in prison!"

There are a lot of different paths that questioning might have taken to reach that point, and I don't recall which of them actually led up to it. Fuhrman had actually responded to a DV call at the Simpson household a decade earlier, so it might've come in through questions about that incident and his attitude toward

As an attorney, you know that TV almost always skips foundation questions, because they're tedious and time-consuming. (The exception was Bailey's "Marine-to-Marine" talk, which was setting up Bailey's claim that hiding the glove in his sock was a trick he would've learned in the Marines.)

You wouldn't necessarily have to disregard any evidence he touched. Even a bad cop can find good evidence. Fuhrman, for all his faults, was by many accounts a really skilled investigator.

According to Clark, Ito sustained the initial objection, but then reversed himself after a hearing the next day.

It was a rush to judgment. If the Ross don't fit, you must acquit.

I remembered that wrong, but they were still at the Temple, and I kinda think if you learn something like that, you gotta re-record the message. Then again, he also screwed up the part where he should've insisted on he and Yoda confronting the Emperor together, then go together to take down Anakin.

Really cementing Windu as the worst supervisor in history. He didn't trust Ahsoka, got proven wrong, and still chose to be the exact same kind of prick to Anakin.

Shouldn't that be more like "at least six months before he fell to the Dark Side?" I mean, when he rescues Palpatine, Padme hasn't yet told him she's pregnant. The day after he becomes Vader, she delivers healthy twins. RotS feels like it takes place over the course of a few days, but it doesn't seem likely that she

"Not welcome here, you are. The bird, I will flip you."

Ahsoka doesn't know about that (bad on Obi Wan, who totally forgot to mention "Anakin Skywalker is a youngling-murdering servant of the Sith now, don't trust him" in his "Don't return to the Jedi Temple" message).

Eh, they do a fairly good job with Rex and Ahsoka. Both of them look grown up, and although the animations are nowhere near as fluid, they're both still recognizably the characters from Clone Wars. Hondo and Cham were also OK, although you could see how much of Hondo's Clone Wars character was all the detail work they

He looked younger, and a lot softer. It's neither a good likeness to Hayden Christiansen nor in any way resembling Anakin's look in TCW (still the best Anakin, I think).

That dinner party scene was disturbing and amazing. The way that Morse intoned "She was with Michael Bolton in Las Vegas the night of the murder…" was just a perfect name drop.

Clark's experience as a prosecutor worked against her. Prosecutors win the majority of cases that go to trial (something on the order of 75%, IIRC). If you're somebody who prosecutes cases in a majority-minority district, trying a case with a black defendant and a mostly-black jury isn't something new and threatening.