Roger's Aching Ticker

Also, it would explain why Eobard was in such a rush to leave when he saw the Jay Garrick helmet in the S1 finale. He probably wasn't thinking "Here comes Jay Garrick, noted Earth-2 hero," he was thinking "Here comes Jay Garrick, well-known historical speed force vampire. Time to go!"

…or C: have his doppleganger get knocked out in a confrontation with Killer Frost/DeathStorm (they think he's the breacher, he's rescued from certain death by an unseen Flash), and make up a decent excuse why Barry has to go undercover and take his place—say, for example, Zoom's minions have E2 Barry under

The comparison between Batman Begins and Man of Steel isn't quite apples-to-apples. The Batman franchise was in worse shape after Batman & Robin than Superman was after Superman Returns. Unlike Snyder, Nolan wasn't a big name action/franchise film director in 2005, and I don't think that Begins had the box office

"ANYONE can make Batman look awesome."

Hypnomatic doesn't have to do better than Rob Liefeld. He can just point to literally hundreds of contemporary comic book artists who made better art than Liefeld while working professionally. There isn't a shortage of them.

The eternal question on this show is "Do they have any idea how much of a prick they're making Barry?" On the one hand, Barry and Cisco had to get distracted and go off mission on E2, because it's more entertaining if that happens. If Barry doesn't act like a douchebag—kidnapping his E2 counterpart, making out with E2

Obviously, you wouldn't use the Clark wig to seduce a mail robot. You'd need the longhaired hippy wig for that.

Obviously Thawne/Wells has Wells's voice—they're portrayed by the same actor. Ditto with E2 Wells. But Cavanaugh's modulated his performance to make each version of Wells sound different, even though he's using the same voice: E1 Wells (what little we saw of him) was rambling and a little excitable; Thawne/Wells was

I don't quite think that a lack of comic relief time is the problem. She had a nice character arc last season: she starts the season grieving over her dead love Ronnie, she reconnects to life through the team, she finds love again through a handsome, broken superhuman who she pines for, she has mild sexual tension

It has more value than what she was doing last year. Lame is a lot better than "so annoying I hope this character gets killed off," and at times this season the character has been considerably better than that.

I'd buy that Eobard might've absorbed speech patterns and body language along with Wells's memories, but it's strange that Wells's demeanor changed—but his speech patterns didn't—when he was alone with Gideon or in the company of one of Reverse Flash's victims. Cavanaugh wasn't acting like Letsher's portrayal of

1. What's "besmirching" a man he never met? He thinks of Thawne as Wells, because Thawne was the only Wells he ever knew! The real Wells died while he was a child, as the result of a villain's plan for which it's pretty damn skeevy to try to assign Barry any responsibility. E1 Wells didn't die defending Barry, and

I was surprised to see that Dr. Boddy was from Season 1, the good season before Ralph Bakshi came in and ruined everything.

Every movie belongs to one genre or another. That does not make every movie a "genre movie."

Yeah, but somehow I don't think that crime scene access is a big problem for anyone who can move that fast, plus even without the CSI job he'd still have access to crime scene info through Joe.

I can't think of that many well-known dramatic actors who are good matches for OJ, in terms of appearance or just physical stature. Maybe Blair Underwood would've been a better fit, if he bulked up?

You can do plenty of things, but absent heavy digital alteration or someone overdubbing his lines, you can't turn Travolta's anxious, reedy voice into Shapiro's radio-deep, reassuring tenor. That totally ruins the illusion, because while I don't know much about Robert Shapiro, I've heard that voice in commercials

I thought his thing was face touching, not hand acting.

I'm sure there are a lot of people in America today for whom Peyton Manning is just the guy from the Nationwide commercials.

How long has it been since you read the book? I read it to my kids recently and the portrayal of the "redskins" (which is what the characters and the book repeatedly call Tiger Lilly's crew, not "Indians") is one of those things where I found myself editing on the fly because it was pretty damn offensive. A sample: