Elon's Musk

The cans are getting thinner and start to fold when pressed (Store brands oddly remain thicker) and some have even moved to pop tops. This is the kitchen tool of the future.

People who didn’t like/care about Starwars enjoyed Rogue One because it was just a good movie.

They got me with the package. Wife already had Hulu, we both wanted Disney+ and I wanted ESPN+ for UFC. What has lacked in Disney+ has been worth it for ESPN+ because there has been an event almost every week.

You sell them and I used to fix them. Fuck inkjets from the deepest part of my soul.

That was the last reliable inkjet!

If you spend the money on a laser jet up front you will spend less in long run on multiple ink jets.

I’m in!

This was at the end of Charles career and he looked young as hell.

Must be your ad blocker, mine doesn’t do that? 

I had to reply even after being a couple days late because they had such a huge impact on my life. I worked at a factory where I was by far the minority being white, young and male. What I didn’t know is I fell into Auntie heaven. It was an absolute delight and if I run into them 20 years later now they still Auntie

I thought point of a podcast is to be separated from any kind of corporation? You can’t be told what to do if you own everything. 

I started my IT career at GW2K. I was building them before I knew how to use Windows. My co-worker at my current job at a museum found this appropriately in the room where they store the fossils. They still use it for a database they never bothered to upgrade.

Its suiting that none of them were wearing a life jacket.

My Mexican neighbor, with his mama still in Mexico, has a Trump sign in his yard.

I was talking to my friend about this and he told me that Marvel wanted the Wakanda dialect to be British and he fought them to make it African. It choked both of us up.

Windows mostly at home and school with a little bit of Linux Mint when he was younger. Our school system didn’t have many Chromebooks cause they had not upgraded for awhile. When I knew he would be distance learning this semester I got my hands on 4 year old, high end system for him to use. School is still making him

“The Destination” and they were expensive.

Worked for Gateway building PCs when the first AMD CPUs came out. They failed at a 50% rate out of the box. The next generation came out and they were like 30%. Still have never owned a AMD. I am now a tech and have only replaced 7 Intel CPUs in my 20+ years.