New post that is getting a lot of clicks, its all over my FB too.
New post that is getting a lot of clicks, its all over my FB too.
We’ve thought about possibly looking for a short-term rental of the following cars to do the evaluation, but local dealers aren’t interested, and car rental companies don’t have these vehicles
Just waiting to get caught on something to pull you down.
Fashion over form in the ‘Cosplay for Dads’ world.
Rule 32
David Tracy is gonna David Tracy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dear Dan:
Kids love a tin can.
PREACH! I was thinking more of Comanche/1st gen Dakota sized because the top of my head hits the roof on the slightest bump in anything smaller.
Rude, while living your best life.
Might have to get on a list for the Ranger Raptor too.
I know you enjoy a truck, is one of these on your wish list?
Looks like what T.C. would have jumped in after landing the helicopter.
At least rubbing the tires against every square inch of curb.
Not ironic and good.
You need an extra long jeep to take up 2 parking spaces at the mall.
“The Escape was so much easier to park”
You do have to wait awhile to find that vehicle that fits your needs of, terrible gas mileage, aerodynamics, power, braking distances and price.
I hate everyone who drives/wants one already.
I am sure the disappointment was palpable.