Don’t worry firing up the 3D printer and opening a Ebay store right now.
Don’t worry firing up the 3D printer and opening a Ebay store right now.
Because the best ones put power to the rear wheels.
Thats what I was thinking.
Its not not like Fiat is raking in the money either. He could have been easily blamed for sinking one company trying to save another.
That was a Trump free comment yet here you are dragging your hats and flags and t-shirts and windows stickers and your buckets of enthusiasm for some one who doesn’t give a flying fuck about you.
I he would take it upon him self to start one if he deemed it necessary.
He is one of those guys like you see over at Gizmodo that thinks that every post is a fight. Or some C- trolling. There is a tone here that can be hard to tune into but it makes it super easy to find the newbs.
Miss Mercedes is an onion with, interesting layer after interesting layer.
Is this CarsofFortLangley new shtick since Mergio had to go?
A whole account dedicated to terrible “Hot Takes”?
The banned version with BDF in it, the only way to truly appreciate.
The number of starts does not reflect how sweet this story is.
Where I work, 90% of it is 50 year old disintegrating aggregate, I have been dragging my feet getting these.
Great work!
They make concessions for weirdness and this is about 8K over priced.
Born for Le Mons.
When I get mine, going to replace all the badges to say Ballaban.
I guess cheap is an option too but its a blury line from cheap, to smart to financially responsible.