Elon's Musk

AE-86 with a bed.

Uglier? I like this a lot more than the C2. NP!

I didn’t want to bring it up but you seem 75% less rude here lately and that is a sweet ass story.

Give it a nice coat of Plasti Dip and see how you like it.

Yea but he didn’t make it as fun as the others.

Welp there goes any productivity for the day.

Thats why you never see shots of the rear, its like a cockroach presenting.

Some of the other Bonds at least made it look fun.

Waiting for a mother fucker to say that to me.

Idris Elba would be Bond-iest, Bond to EVER Bond.

Daniel Craig seemed like a psychopathic, sex addict. 

He had more than enough opportunity to play within the rules and still be successful. Maybe not ‘self finance a race team’ successful but enough to race in smaller outlets.

First record I stole from my brother at 9 years old.

Can you run Lysol though a pressure washer?

While I think Long Voyager is 100% “whackjob” about his love for these abysmal hunks, I respect him for his passion and actually practicing what he preaches. There are some fake enthusiasts on here and he is not one of them.   

Who are these insane NP people (24 when I voted)? I am guessing contrarians.

I started a new contract with my former company and was gifted a company GMC 2500 take home van. It was great because it was the first time I actually had a commute longer than 20 mins. I only had to carry stuff like twice a week and my normal hall was about 1/8th of what it could carry. I begged the fleet manager to

My old job had REALLY old manual Penske, it was a blast to drive. The newer ones are so easy and the visibility is awesome.

Me 3.