Elon's Musk

Don’t tell that to the “BROOOOO THE ZL1 IS JUST AS FAST” crowd.

You need a digital gauge.

Appropriate ‘That Guy” use. These are not Stig laps, I am sure a pro might be able to take seconds off that laptime.

*Swooning intensifies

People with no hustle, find it hard to believe people that do.  

Its better than just shopping one of the words out of it.

Yea my dads had a 400hp 351 crate and it was more than a hand full. We would go to other events and see on-line other ones with 600-700hp big blocks. I don’t know if they knew what they were getting into.

Mazdaspeed 5

The GMC Envoy is just as weird as the Saturn VUE.

If you don have this dad (like I kinda did), you need that uncle.

My dad had one and it was cool and fast AF.

Wu-Tang legitimatized coolness of MPVs.

Screw bowling, lets go cruise, maybe find some trouble at a stop light!

Older than you and I scolded my parents when they bought an MDX over this. Then some one I worked with bought one in black, every square inch of paint was orange peel. My bro has the MDX now, has never had a problem and you do not see the FX’s on the road any more.

The S60 has aged better. Eleanor is just looks like a mustang with a parts catalog thrown at it now. 

68 Dodge Charger (Thanks Dukes of Hazzard). Till my new Mopar loving neighbor moved in next door (drove a Shelby Dakota, wife drove a Shelby CSX). A few weeks later he had 12 different Dodges in the back yard, in various states of disrepair. The city got involved and the cars were gone. A few weeks after that, a tow

Im 42, that means the speckled paint, mini truck generation. I am sure there is just as terrible car trend when you were young too. Its for them, not you and eventually it will go away too.

A clap-off would be fun.

I still can’t believe all the monsters\lizard people that don’t budge or even slow down. If I am in the next lane over I slow down to give people room to move over.