Elon's Musk

The S60 has aged better. Eleanor is just looks like a mustang with a parts catalog thrown at it now. 

68 Dodge Charger (Thanks Dukes of Hazzard). Till my new Mopar loving neighbor moved in next door (drove a Shelby Dakota, wife drove a Shelby CSX). A few weeks later he had 12 different Dodges in the back yard, in various states of disrepair. The city got involved and the cars were gone. A few weeks after that, a tow

Im 42, that means the speckled paint, mini truck generation. I am sure there is just as terrible car trend when you were young too. Its for them, not you and eventually it will go away too.

A clap-off would be fun.

I still can’t believe all the monsters\lizard people that don’t budge or even slow down. If I am in the next lane over I slow down to give people room to move over. 

Broken femurs is some serious shit, I bet she was wheelchair bound for 6 months and still has trouble walking now. Broken orbital can change your face for ever. 

I wouldn’t have been mad if Yesha took a crack at this.

*Finally throws away Cross Colours overalls

Then pretty much ran into the road to avoid it all. Thats when I really puckered up.

For a car lots of people love and used see a couple week, they have all but disappeared. But say something to the fan boys that they are unreliable and they go nuts. 

Its in my queue to listen.

The coke dealer is the only honest person in the company structure.

What you started was matter of fact statement and then it morphed into something beautiful.

The Dollop podcast on Uber might have been one of the best things I have ever listen to. #jampad

AHHHH give em a break, true locked up 4WD in the slick is something you have to get used too.

Correction: American based racers.

They have them but do not daily them.

I bet if geared correctly you could get some decent MPG and still be fast as hell.