Elon's Musk

Steadman look like the uncle who forgot to change the battery in his hearing aid so he paying extra close attention.

Well looky there. The foot print of a normal car with out all that unnecessary cabin room. This will give Tesla a run for their money.

Wouldn’t the real anti-Tesla be called Edison?

I would imagine that would be a Copyright nightmare though.

Pretty sure its just trolling but it definitely seems if one conspiracy is believed, they all are. 

I am starting to think that 50%-75% of flat earther theory is strictly troll work.

Now only if Australia existed.

All the phones in my house used to be that color.

Have all the stars.

Fred Trump was all about eugenics, this is how we know it doesn’t work.

Out of all the terrorists in Arkansas, I am willing to bet none of them are Muslim and 100% of them would vote for her.

Now you can.

a. Learn from your mistakes

If you are 12 or under its acceptable.

Hillary approves.

Who puts a Fiero kit on a 300ZX?

You put Ferrari kits on Fiero’s.

Initial D style race though the suburbs to the grocery store vs a S-Cargo.

The issues is, that all the FWD cars would be even more fun if RWD.

Its also on the outside the realm of ‘The Man’ so its harder to claim as an actual asset.

Just electricity mostly. In Lancaster Pa you see gangs of kids on Razor Scooters.

#6 is not said enough.

What Westboro Baptist Church does is frowned upon but acceptable behavior with Football fandom.