I think the 5 Guys in my area does the same but don’t blow themselves up about it. Always some hard lookin dudes behind that counter.
I think the 5 Guys in my area does the same but don’t blow themselves up about it. Always some hard lookin dudes behind that counter.
If the policy was not enforced with the director, she has it well documented and was looking for a way out. Its all win.
Tell that to the cross winds.
A road that was meant for 80mph does not need to be as smooth as a 200mph race track\test track. The return trip I noticed it get a little unsettled and buffeting at 270.
Were does it land on a scale of 0-Fancy?
I should have specified more than one, one kid a 4 door will do any more than that a minivan just works better.
Its a specialty tool that you need for 5 years, thats it and it makes your life easier. Once they are front facing and can buckle themselves you can go right back to what ever has a rear seat. Take one 5 hour plus trip with a toddler that you are potty training and you will thank your self.
I have a 80lb pit bull, who is very quiet, only wants to lay in your lap and stands on the back of furniture. He doesn’t use a littler box and scares the shit out of strangers.
Its the best of both worlds.
Flatty LaBelle made tears.
These are stand up bits, I really think he might be in the wrong business.
Got to push past that itchy part. I grew mine out 10+ years ago cause I was out in the cold often. Not having to shave every day and just a shape up every 1-2 weeks is awesome.
And still be scared to go to sleep at night if you double crossed him.
I will remain with Snoop who has some how become a white people darling without losing to much of his edge.
Bernie roasting him from the heavens.
I can’t seem to find them but his early campaign ads were damn near an advertisement for the Charlottesville rally. Of course after it happened they were pulled and the monuments became an issue of ‘its a waste of money to pull them down’ after a month of not mentioning them at all.
I live in Va and even if I was a Republican, I couldn’t vote for someone with that weak of a chin.
Does anyone even call it a ‘fire plug’ anymore?
My dads Superformace Cobra. Had about a 400hp 351 and anything more than a gentle prod made for tire spin. Any thing to get it into the fat part of the power band you were braking a law. I wound it out once and hit second gear hard by the time I got it back under control I looked at the speedo and it was coming down…
*Sits in rocking chair shaking fist at every hybridization
Isn’t every thing that David Tracy buys a Crack Pipe?
I read this story imaging your Kinja name as your real name, then I wished I didn’t.