My second guess after Reliant
My second guess after Reliant
My guess too, Omni then maybe?
I have been hate reading all day and it has put me in a funk. Everyone here is beautiful, thank you.
If I showed up to a benefit for a Children’s Cancer Hospital and the Klan was there, I would nope the fuck right out.
You are the company you keep.
Thank you forever for “Chad with the good abs”
He is already on white peoples ‘uppity N’ list for his media day protest.
I was thinking a C&D alum, that for some reason, I just can’t put my finger on it, I dislike.
I was thinking a C&D alum, that for some reason, I just can’t put my finger on it, I dislike.
Worse writers have crashed more expensive cars. I am sure it happens more than we get to read about.
I have been avoiding this story because its dumb and invasive. Now that I have seen a picture of her, I am like FU guys she cute AF.
Thought it was strictly for alliteration.
Under rated post.
“You’ve got your black people, and you’ve got your niggers. You’re a black person, though.”
I loved iRacing but it slowly turned into a job. When it was time to renew I gladly didn’t, but racing 7 days a week, 3-4 hours a day was probably not the best way yo go about it.
Just stayed there over night cause my kid was at Sweet Briar for band camp (talk about 2 different campuses). School was not in session and it was already weird, I hate to think what happens when the population triples when its in session.
Came close in my MIL brand new Sienna. Out in the middle northern Pa nowhere, at my MIL, sisters cabin. When you are in middle northern Pa nowhere, you don’t lock your doors. This is where auto sliding doors are a bad thing, one tug from a nosy black bear on the handle and it opens nice a bear sized hole. Luckily when…
Where is the slot in the back to put a penny, so it will do wheelies?
Because lemmings.
I have been calling them weekend 1%ers. Its amazing when I actually see a bike that has been actually customized they are not wearing HD branded clothing head to toe.