Elon's Musk

Nothing like the long tradition of speeding on residential streets. Like destroying personal property and littering.

Fully support this lady. The street off of mine has a speeding problem. After years they just put in a sign that notes your speed and it seems to have helped a lot. It just flashes ‘25' in red when you are over, so no high score runners.

Have better luck rebuilding those underpants than the 911.

You mean responsible, good citizen ‘That Guy’?

Seems legit.

Just a weird dude that didn’t fit in any box. Jean jacket, mullet, always hung out with girls 10-15 years older that him that wore too much bad make up, drove an Iroc blasting Neil Diamond, always talking about the good times he had with his parents at Temple, be super cool one time and then be really mean the next.

Have never seen that Corvette Rondineis before! Its so gorgeous, it makes me dislike the original.

I think this is the huge portion of racism. Maturity and one close relationship will make eyes open.

Head back over to Deadspin with that shit posting ISIS.

Me too and the weirder part was he was a jew.

Just call me a greaser for having mine rolled up in my sleeve and a spare in my ear.

Italians even make roads that suck, dangerous and breath taking at the same time... but do they catch on fire?

Bounty Hunters are the people who are too scared to join the military, can not pass the physical or psychological tests to be a cop, too violent to be a security guard and too scared to be a bouncer with out a gun. 

I think a nice Fiero would be harder to find than a nice Z. You might wanna jump at it.

Had a 96 GT and during the pre-F&F craze, every kid with a fart can would want to go. I would wind out 1st then back to leisurely driving in 2nd. Since it was bone stock it wasn’t all that loud, fart can would be tearing off sounding like a jet ski by himself drawing attention to any cop near by.

This is why I read Jalopnik.

1. To be snarky on the web.
2. To be jealous of a 8yr old
3. FML

Who cares about clean rims when you are this high.

I would call the IS AWD sporty and pretty sure you can’t get a manual.

Does not sound bad at all, except I would have a hard time convincing the wife of those tire replacments at 20k.

I am like Colin Chapman and add lightness to my car by filling tires with hydrogen.