General Mayhem

No, but they can still dent, damage or steal from it. I have a Fiesta ST, and I would be worried about joyriding. My cars like a year old and already worth around $15K, hardly a rich fuck

Thank you! I was always for treating everyone the same unless they ask for it otherwise... because I met numerous disabled people and most agreed that they hate the extra attention they get. They just want to move on and just be the same!

Bvah... that escalated quickly. My point is, Tow Truck driver is douchebag no less for driving anyone’s car, not just a disabled man’s car. And the title is written in most “clickbate” manner possible. That’s all.

Tow truck moron’s buddy hangout is on Sutter Glen Lane at the end of Delmont Park Lane. Note the name of the neighborhood school. It’s pure King of the Hill material.

How do people like this still exist and not be ostracized from society? Can you imagine being this person’s neighbor, employer or coworker? Him and his entire entourage remind me of

Maaaaaan...STRONGLY WORDED LETTERS are a dying artform.

Fat and stupid, what a great combination. Seriously, if you are going to steal a car for any reason, the first thing you should do is check for a dashcam. These things are so visible and obvious that my only guess is that the tow truck driver had just hit the crack pipe and then some meth because it is hard to be

Shoulda sued

Shouldn’t need GPS. Pretty sure he lives at 503 Cocksucker Lane.

Doesn’t matter, does it? Still a scumbag move. Still must be punished.

Ah, good ol’ 29.613430N, 95.255081W. Ain’t noplace like it in the world.

Nissan sent these guys as their outsourced roadside assistance?

dash cam was unplugged, so he checked the footage stored on the camera {...} posed with the car for pictures and Snapchat posts {...} charges will be pending

Driver identified:

What a bunch of shitheads, I’d be absolutely livid.

The same way the pizza delivery guy doesn’t help himself to a slice or two of your pizza.

But now, it will only be his cellmate taking the tow truck driver for “a hell of a spin”.

I think we can all agree this is how we feel about the tow truck driver.


Yes, that. As a dealership they must be held to a higher standard than just what the law requires (another 2012 car) and given their 100% responsibility for the incident, the right thing is a new car.