General Mayhem

A little rubber cement and you’re good to go!


I bought a cheap 1/2 socket set from them to keep in the trunk of my car, damn ratchet didn’t last but one use before it grenaded. Diidn’t bother taking it back. Sockets have held up quite well tho, and I’m rather rough on tools.

Nothing wrong with that.

Carpal tunnel?

I hear ya. My job’s not all that physically demanding (some heavy lifting of large auto parts such as wheels) so I hit the gym after work. Got an old car I’m fixing plus I have a new-ish motorcycle (a Harley so I’m always fixing something :D!), life is good.

This times infinity.

Mmmmmmm, Victoria. I love the way her toes curl...

I can proudly say I have never seen any F&F movie, and never will.

Virginia? You’re in Virginia? Haahaahaahaahaaahaa... and you’re making snide comments about Ohio? oh man, you are one funny guy! Virginia... a police state if there ever was one! Our Highway Patrol has NOTHING on the jackbooted thugs in Virginia, and I’m only referring to yourHighway Patrol, I won’t even bring up all

Got that right :( !

Well that escalated quickly.

Can’t. Too busy shaking my head at all the idiots here in Ohio and in PA that completely forgot how to drive in snow. A 50+ vehicle and 75+ vehicle pileups on I-90 in Ohio and a 15+ vehicle pileup near Erie. Dafuq, people... IT SNOWS IN THESE PARTS EVERY FUCKING YEAR, OKAY???

I’m sure your state is a perfect little piece of heaven, isn’t it... :/

My P71 is a pretty rough customer, not worth putting much $$$ into it. I figure one, maybe 2 more Cleveland winters and she’s done.

I got nuthin’.

LED, of course :) .

Dog has good taste :) .

It’s locked.

I guess that’s better than have a Lexus in the back of a Greyhound, no?