Dunno, don’t care, hate diseasels.
Dunno, don’t care, hate diseasels.
That’s been my experience with Goodyears.
Yet I’ll bet you have no problem buying Japanese?
Your liver any good?
I’ll ask my brother, he works at the Cleveland Engine Plant :) .
I’m an atheist, and I concur.
Did someone say “BACON”???
I’m from the “crash” camp, too.
About fucking time those bass-ackwards fucks get with the times. I have a feeling though that this isn’t going to happen any time soon. Because fucking religion.
Can’t lie on the interwebz, there’s a law.
Looks like he’s trying to push something out...
Don’t worry about your flame suit, there are many Jalops that don’t understand, myself included.
Convert diesel heavy trucks to CNG or propane. Problem solved, I think. Maybe.
Not this American. Never once have I felt the need to own a diesel. Can’t stand the noise, and the smell makes me sick as a dog. No thanks.
Absolutely no doubt about it.
Mmmmm... love me some Loca Mocha...
I’ll have to try it out. Thanks.
I’m a fan of the Monster Muscle with protien, I seem to have a better workout when I down one before I hit the weights.
I’m a 53yr old guy and I’m somehow good with this. Go figure.