He’s making shit up.
He’s making shit up.
YOU DON’T JOYRIDE OTHER PEOPLE’S CARS, MKAY? YOU DON’T FUCKING DO IT! I hope like hell this tow company goes out of business over this! Is there ANYTHING you’d take a stand on? Or are you some pussified pacifist?
Seriously? You’re blaming this shit on the GOP? What a moran...
Ah, sweet justice!
That bad?
My gut’s telling me alcohol is involved in this...
Happy turtle is happy.
“the toyota warns you’re doing dumb shit”??? Dafuq??? Dodging moose (or deer, or a person, etc) is “dumb shit”? Seriously?
Dat VW.... nice! The D-Max did well too.
Not in my experience. I find Toyota seats to be hard and unforgiving.
Used to think heated/cooled seat were dumb until I experienced them for the first time. Man... they’re soooooooooooooooooooo nice :) .
You’d be surprised... very surprised.
What it, mister... my first three cars were Pintos and I loved the fuck out of them! And, for the record, it’s been proven that the Pinto was no more prone to rear end collision fires than the average car of the times.
Yep. I was brought home from the hospital in a ‘60 Studebaker Lark... no seat belts and in my mother’s arms. Still here to talk about it :) .
$80k and nowhere near enough to buy a house? Sorry, dude, you aren’t doing it right. Maybe you need to move someplace where the cost of living is cheaper.
And that Mustang II 302 had a whopping 134 horsepower. Yay.