General Mayhem

Only one response fits...

After perusing 2500 listings (whew!) this is the best Cleveland Craigslist can offer:

building a car based on a pun is [s]never[/s] always a good idea

Dat center horn/switch pad... DOESN’T....... ROTATE?!?!?!?!? SO F***ING COOL!!!11!1!

I live near Mid Ohio and Nelson’s Ledges, so yea. Life is good :) .

Oh F*CK yea!!!!!!!

The COTD is strong in this one...

All beige Camrys. Because beige.

Really diSabled that old Mercury...

Sounds about right.

You from C-bus?

Wow, personal insults based on where a person was born, how intellectual of you, you elitist fuck.

Ratings, baby, ratings...

Per this:

I don’t think 780 or so lbs is a fuck-ton.

My DD’s a beater Crown Vic, so yea, I would.

I LOL’d :)

Or worse, an Escort ZX2.

Yep, they bounce.

I want to punch my TV every time that buffoon speaks...