General Mayhem

I’m 53 and I dig that matte look. Now get off my lawn.

Dafuq? One uses soulless turds like Camrys and Civics for winter beaters, cars like this one CRUISES. Get it?

Sebrings are shit. Thanks for playing.

Learn how to actually “drive” and you’ll find that parking ANYTHING is quite easy. Now get off my lawn.

You had me at “Buick convertible”. NP.

I don’t.

“These hacks yet again prove the age old principal that anything, seriously anything, can be hacked.” Ummm, no. Try and hack my ‘05 Crown Vic. I dare ya. Go ahead, I’ll wait...

Mee too :) .

“I have 2female tenants in different apartments both with masters degrees teaching high school, both in late 20's,that thought it was OK to flush clumping kitty litter down toilet.” Oh, FFS... *rolls eyes*...

I’m tickled to death that I did :) .

Mmmmmmm, metal working pr0n. GAWD I wish I had those skills...

So, ummm, what problems has the Clinton Foundation solved? I won’t hold my breath...

Nice generalization. Bet you’re a hoot at parties...

Yes... yes, it would. Call me crazy...

I’d buy a billboard on I-71 and tell all that pass...

So much This.

Hit it first, ask questions later.

She reminds me of Helen Hunt.

NOW you tell me...

That’s some serious bullshit right there. F*** Florida.