Ever seen what a road gator does to a motorcycle? *cold shivers*...... it ain’t pretty.
Ever seen what a road gator does to a motorcycle? *cold shivers*...... it ain’t pretty.
I would have taken his damaged ladder and shoved it in his undamaged ass. Fucking people...
I’ve seen that mattress trick several times, always gives me cold chills. I GTF out of the way fast when I see that shit.
I would have LOL’d.
I’m doing just that to my ‘78 Fairmont!
And Fairmonts/Zephyrs, LTD/Marquis, and ‘81-’82 Granada.
You have no taste.
A bit high priced, but as an unabashed Fox fan (I’ve owned 10, 3 currently) I have to give it an NP.
What? Seems legit.
CANNOT STAR THIS ENOUGH!!!! I’m a N.E. Ohio native and I’m absolutely anal about clearing snow off of my car. As in ALL of the snow, period!
So, uh, how long did it take you pull your bike’s seat out of your ass? That’s one hell of an ass-puckering experience!
My family had a blue Ami way back when I was young, boy did that car stand out in late Sixties American suburbia!
I love you.
And rust. Never forget the rust.
Well, if it wasn’t so damned ugly...
Two P.O.S.’s that can’t even do what a Crown Vic can do...
W in T everlovin’ F?????????