General Mayhem

I once put just over 3k lbs in the bed of my long-gone and much lamented ‘77 Silverado 1/2 ton. Once.

If I had to chose between baseball and football baseball wins hands down :) . Tribe fan, BTW:) .

I know the feeling. I NEVER abuse my classic ‘05 P71 :) !

Please tell me you don’t drive them in the winter, anything but that! Covering any cool car with road salt is an unforgivable sin!

How many miles on it ;) ?

They got engines in them for a reason, people!!!

Fuck the McClaren and fuck the asshole driver. Hard. And dry. It ain’t hard... DON’T STOP ON FUCKING CROSSWALKS!!! Newsflash... that thick white paint line just before the crosswalk? That’s called... a STOP LINE. One is supposed to stop AT the line, not past it. Kids, it aint difficult to do, mkay? SO FUCKING DO IT!!!

Shoulda added a ;) . I know the Giants have been arond a lot longer than the Bungles :) .

That would take something called “personal responsibility”. Ain’t gonna happen I’m afraid.

Same old story, it’ll never end. Insert railroad, freeway, or airport for racetrack and people will bitch. It always someone else’s fault... EVEN THO THEY KNEW THE FUCKING RACETRACK/FREEWAY/RAILROAD/AIRPORT WAS THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Can you tell this is a sore subject for me?

What’s awesome (or will be awesome when it’s done) is an old track near me is getting the Extreme Home Makeover. Dragway 42 in West Salem laid unused and more-or-less abandoned for several years before it was purchased by a former IHRA prez whose sunk at least a few million $$$ into the facility. Rumor has it he’s hit

Wow... WTF? I feel for ya...

Just what the world needs... another housing development. Grrr...

Umm, no. Staying put on a bike would be worse, much worse, IMHO.

Now I want to drift a school bus, dammit. Right gawddamn NOW!!! Somebody git me a school bus!!!

I heard that one would have electrical issues if one hosed out their Element. True?

Umm, no. See Cincinnati Bengals.

Preach it!!!

I drive a P71. With a rubber mat. I win :) .
