Posted a pic, eh? When was that?
Posted a pic, eh? When was that?
TL;DR. Didn’t take long...
“Butthurt” is called “slang”, dumbass. Would you prefer me to use something along the line of “anger management challenged”? “Can’t control temper”? “Hates people that have the audacity to disagree with his high-and-mightyness”? I can play this game all day, little man...
I’m pathetic? Wow... pot, meet kettle. YOU’RE the one with some odd obsession with me, dumbass. I’m going to sit here and count the seconds until the next anger-induced post appears from your spittle covered keyboard...
Seeing as I’m not the one that goes on little immature tirades about my posts I’d suggest you heed your own advice, little man. Buh-bye.
I sense much butthurt in this one. Seek help, little man.
Well, there’s that.
There were two Tauruses racing at the Fun Ford Reloaded meet at Norwlk this past weekend, an SEL and an SHO. Both ran 13.30's. Pretty impressive IMHO.
Which one DOESN’T leave a disgusting cloud of brosmoke? Hmmmm???
BTW, you’ll notice a lot of stars for me, but none for you. Think about it.
Happy to oblige.
It’s nobody’s fucking business but mine, period.
One summer day last year I went to turn right out of my apartment complex and here was this obviously ‘roided-up assclown standing in the middle of the street taking pics of his jacked up Chevy brotruck. I gave my horn a short honk and all the asshole did was glare at me and slowly move out of the way. No surprise the…
Probably got carpal tunnel, tho...
I agree with the “No Hillary” and the hybrid sticker. More gas for me :) .
Cynicism is just one of my fine qualities...
Yea... sure. Whatever you say.
Way, WAY back in ‘79 a good friend of mine and his family were passing thru Chicago on a family vacation when some inbred little shits dropped a cinderblock off an overpass onto their car (apparently that was once a sport in ChiTown, the cars would stop and the inbreds would rob them). Fortunately the cinderblock hit…
In front of a passing tank.
We no longer have institutions for these types. Thanks, Carter and Reagan!!!