General Mayhem

To those out there with a I-won’t-work-under-a-car-even-with-jackstands phobia... keep on being phobic, it . Even WITH good stands something can serious or even deadly can happen. I lost a friend this past Saturday when the Jetta he was working underneath came down on him even though the car was on a set of strong

And another thing, dumbass, seek help for your anger issues, they will be your downfall. Atleast get a perscription for some Xanax.

“In the RAIN”... not rail. lol.

Yawn, TL;DR.

I can get my 240hp Crown Vic sideways in the rail no problem... I have much practice :) .

WTF indeed.

And I’m guessing you’re morbidly obese (for no medical reason) and I struck a nerve. Don’t like it? Go to Fitworks or Planet Fitness and stop eating deep-fried shit all day long while playing video games in your mom’s basement.

My bullshit? You didn’t call me out on shit, pal. I base my opinions on personal observation, not Gawd-I-don’t-want-to-offend-anyone-’cuz-I’m-a-PC-pussy, and that’s why you got the resonse you got, pal. Go to your local WallyWorld and prove me wrong, asshole.

I had a first year TJ, a six with a stick. Just a freaking blast to drive on- and 0ff-road. Wish I still had it, altho if I did the n.e. Ohio salt would have eaten it up by now.

A ‘12 FourRunner. Geebus, what a gawddamned slug. Slow, buzzy engine, flacid-shifting transmission, no steering feel whatsoever. And the turning radius of an Enterprise-class aircraft carrier.

Drove a Ford Five Hundred once. Truth.

Tell that to members of the United Mine Workers union...

Given Ford’s recent track record re:paint colors I’m not worried :). Just getting antsy to see and drive one.

I am very proud to admit in the 37 years and 40+ cars and trucks I’ve owned not a single one was silver/grey. Not. One. And I will never EVER buy a silver/grey car or truck. Same goes for beige/tan/gold/babyshit.

And my eyes were immediately drawn to that red Fiat.

That color is sweet, some people just have no taste.

I’m planning on buying one of the upcoming Fusion ST’s when they debut and I’m hoping Ford offers them in some cool colors.

Cleveland PD used this color, derisively called “Perk Green” for the rather unpopular mayor at the time:

Teal Fords and Mercuries sold like crazy here in n.e. Ohio back in the Nineties, especially teal Escorts.

Many years back I had a ‘95 Grand Marquis with a currant red leather interior. Pretty damn sweet.