General Mayhem

“Vaguely pizza-like substance”.

Yep... I’ve seen better.

Funny story... way back when (late 7o’s, early ‘80s?) I was setting the timing on one of my junkers and while holding the timing light I noticed that the fan didn’t seem to be moving, so I reached over to find out why... fortunately my fingers healed up well. Learned a bit more about strobes that day...

Around here (n.e. Ohio) they “seem” to be treated equally, altho one’s mileage may vary.

You have no sense of adventure. Besides, I lived through that era, cars weren’t nearly as unreliable as you think they were.


Well done!

Don’t have one, sorry.


I learned in a ‘74 Pinto and a ‘79 Spirit, FWIW.

Most likely.

I LOL’d. And now I feel dirty :) ...

Like dog years, right :) ?

I’m 53 and look nothing like that. Thank goodness!

How so?

Sadly, I see the same thing... All. The. Damn. Time.

“issued a $164 ticket with four points put on his license”? What in the everlovin’ flying fuck??? If an average Jalop did this shit we’d be locked up and the key would be thrown away. SMH indeed.

Leave it stock? Shirley, you jest.

A mid-2000's Civic owuld put me to sleep. Screw that, I’ll take warmed up Malaise any day, thankyouverymuch.

A car tramp stamp. Love it! Might have to put one on my P71.