
My 3rd gen Camaro had that too.

Someone please explain this ‘chinless’ business to me?

Your mom is awesome! Because making douchebags upchuck with Gs.

I have 3 kids, 2 boys (10,11) and 1 girl (almost 4). They are all gearheads like me and she is just as enthusiastic as her brothers. She’s going to know more about cars than the first dipshit she brings home for me to meet. I’m proud.

and being 14....what? I really liked low-riders ( No, I didn’t)

I was a kid when I got into it and when I was knowledgeable enough to put 2+2 together with what you described it killed it for me. That and the first time I saw them at Sears Point and The Glen. I didn’t know those places existed and it was so much more fun to watch I began seeking out Tran Am series etc...

Condom jokes, etc. Really disappointed with it. :(

I loved that they were back together on the air and some PARTS of each show I liked but TBH I was really disappointed, that I can’t let my boys watch is just icing on the shit-cake :( When they were still at the BBC the last couple seasons fell flat for me too. For the longest time they were so GREAT its hard to take

and now they try really hard not to say “and across the line” or in a very muffled voice like they’re coming clean to their mom about filling her bottle of Taaka with water.

If Chris Evans had his own car show there would be one too many car shows.

I hated those segments with the old trio too.

The Alfa was product placement, Harris had already reviewed one (in blue, with flappies) quite some time ago on his own show.

I also loved the Grand Tour but I have a big (for me) gripe. My boys watched Top Gear with me when they were young and yes, there was SOME inappropriate stuff but I CAN’T watch the Grand Tour with them now. It’s sincerely a huge let-down. I have successfully turned them into 10 and 11 yo gearheads when most young

I was driving with my son yesterday on a dead straight road. A pack of Harleys shows up coming the other way riding 3 wide with what I assume was the leader riding on the edge of the double yellow. I saw it as an opportunity to show my 11 yr old how cool a pack of motorcycles was. I point them out and wave. Now, I


I respect you, have hated Nascar since the late 90s, and Monsters are nasty. I’m very straight and it actually annoyed me having the girls kiss the driver that wins and all that mess.


I miss that game.

It would have to taste better, right?

BTW, I was THIS CLOSE |-| to convincing my wife I could be ok on a motorcycle (love the cafe racer style, want a bonneville) and last fn night some asshole pulled out directly in front of a lady on a bike in front of wal-mart of all places on a 25mph road and snuffed her or out. No bike for me, son of a mfn biatch!