I think this is the best one I’ve read yet. That is some house of cards you built for yourself there. So funny.
I think this is the best one I’ve read yet. That is some house of cards you built for yourself there. So funny.
I hope you are a writer because I literally *felt* this story. I laughed and I cringed right along with you. Puberty is a bitch.
This is just so dorky and so cute. I also don’t know how you didn’t all get some illness, but it’s so very middle school and I love it.
I am still very much in touch with my inner 15-year-old girl, despite being nearly 36, and I did a full-body shudder. Although this seems minor, I feel like this was soul-crushing at the time and I relate so hard. I’m sorry for the young LooseSeals.
I was never a Ryan Reynolds fan but now you have fully ruined it for me forever. This is so, so true.
I am sorry for yelling but it must be said: I WOULD SLAM THAT LIKE A SCREEN DOOR IN A HURRICANE. Beard or no beard, Jason Momoa is a full meal and then some.
LOL, I’m glad to have my impressions of Jared Leto confirmed.
I really hope the Michael Caine story is true. Did he have a Cockney accent? I feel like the accent is a dead giveaway.
I...still don’t know who this is, even after Google. D-list is generous, I’d say. Kinda surprised the airline went so out of their way for her.
I love this! And I love that Solange is a lovely human being. Definitely my favorite Knowles.
If this happened to me, I would want this to be my obituary. Truly, a life highlight, no snark. That is insanely amazing. Poor Kris Humphries. He got the short end of every stick imaginable, but especially the brains stick.
I’m still not over his death. This is a lovely story.
I love the story of your MTV Asia VJ friend. Should a building containing Woody Allen catch ablaze, I, too, would prefer he perish in the conflagration rather than be warned.
This is absolutely adorable. I’m happy for tween and not-tween you.
This is great and made more surreal by the back-to-back nature of the encounters.
This is very, very cute.
I also witnessed him hobbling his goblin self down the middle of a sidewalk near the White House in DC. I think he just like to take up as much space as possible. DC is full of those sorts of assholes. I’m sorry about your mom.
Points for surrealism? But also ew and I’m sorry you had to see that.
This is such a lovely story and you are one of my favorite commenters on here. I am so glad you made it through and are doing better. Benazir Bhutto is one of my favorite political figures and I’m still so sad she was assassinated. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the gag?