“A message has clearly been sent.” Maybe so. But don’t you think it would be wise to wait until more facts are available before making such a conclusion?
“A message has clearly been sent.” Maybe so. But don’t you think it would be wise to wait until more facts are available before making such a conclusion?
Speken like a true Communist. Only those who support socialists should be allowed to vote.
You do know that Trump’s tax plan actually INCREASED the share of taxes paid by the wealthy, right?
This is not new. I knew a woman named Nien Cheng, now deceased, who wanted to escape China and come to the USA. She was denied entrance because she did not have enough money. This happened during the Clinton administration. Later, she earned enough money by writing the book, “Life and Death in Shanghai”, and was…
By using the term “cracker” you show yourself to be a racist.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation does not understand the Constitution. It does not seek to guarantee freedom from religion. Rather, it protects freedom OF religion by prohibiting the state from establishing any particular religion, and from interfering with the free practice or religion. This does not prohibit…
Maybe, just maybe, they have a better work ethic than most ethnic groups.
Their admission standards are lower for non-Asian minorities.
After seeing all your lies in the first paragraph, I could go no further. You might try reconciling your claim with the fact that Harvard does, in fact, use lower admission standards for black people than for whites, and that Asians outscore whites on the SAT. Harvard, by the way, has HIGHER score requirements for…
I think Serena still has a few wins ahead of her. She may yet break the record. She is still the best overall the world has ever seen.
Lets just all agree not to use racially offensive words, unless just reporting on them when spoken by others.
She did not decide. The kid did. And as long as human beings have had hair, they have experimented with different hairstyles. It should not be a big deal one way or the other. And, BTW, I have seen more than a few white folks wearing dreads. Ironically, some call it cultural misappropriation. They must not know,…
If the kid asked her to cut his hair, what is the issue? She did not force it on him. She can be excused for not knowing the symbolism behinds dreads. Giver her a break.
The crew in you picture would probably do a better job.
Flint is run by Democrats. And I bet you still vote for them!
Do really believe the tripe you wrote? Pathetic!
This is why Samurai seldom hit home runs.
And yet The Root staff does exactly that all the time towards white people.
I still want to know, was Joey Batts exhibiting his whiteness when he volunteered to restore the painting?
Almost everything you wrote is wrong. Ethanol does not require more energy to produce than it releases when you burn it. Corn and starch based ethanol release about 3.5-5 times the production energy, depending on feedstock and the process used. Cellulosic ethanol has a 9-13 to 1 output to input ratio. Cellulosic…