Vermithrax Pejorative

Surprised nobody brought this up, but I was laughing my ass off when Cam or Mitch stated that they haven't played with each other's pogo stick in nearly a month… and Mitch hides his head in shame. SHAAAAAMMMMEEE.

I'm glad they took the focus away from Adam & girl obsession. That has become a sitcom trope. It's nice when he's focused more on family or silly situations. Hopefully we'll finally get more Adam-centric episodes considering this is told from the viewpoint… of Adam!

More cowbell while we're at it.

Did you really expect them to say "He was born in Nineteen Oh Something"?

I remember back in season-1 of Goldbergs how Barry & Erica really HATED how Bev was smothering them with "lovies and snuggles"… even Adam had his limit. Yet they came around in season-2 whereas mama was now the go-to person especially if they got in a pickle… and season-3, they widely accept Bev as being the positive

Wonder if Sue is going to have rotating roommates, or if Axl will come to join again.
I really would rather have a reunion of Axl, Kenny, & Hutch bunk together again somewhere. Now that we actually got to see and hear from Kenny, he disappears. What a buzzkill.

I couldn't have been fascinated more at the 80's nostalgia arcade than I was here. Although much smaller than real 80's arcade (complete with neon lighting), I was trying to input all the games present (Millipede, Joust, Ms.Pacman, Final Lap). Found a generic one or two that had no label on it, though.

I think the whole plotline with Jessica ruined the episode.
I like it when it either focuses more on Eddie & his friends or with Louis in a different manner.

I liked the way this episode went. There was only one small scene, barely noticeable, where it was sort of like the "mockumentary" style. The rest totally were off on their own like a typical single-camera sitcom.

- Kermit on Piggy Water: "15 grams of fat. It's water!"

Finally… I had to make sure that Dan was actually doing the review, because it received higher than a "C". I loved this episode. It featured an almost perfect balance between many, many characters. If this is the way their so-called "reformatting" will go, then I'm all for it (although I was for it beforehand, but

Why the hell did Carl defend Ron? I would have let zombies eat the shit out of him.

Meh… the original Futurama game for the PS2 & X-Box was pretty good, but it could have had some better gameplay and today's graphics to make it a lot more like the cartoon instead of 3D models.

So then when Fred Savage called the Nintendo Counselors for help assisting with knowing & beating the games… was that at all based on how this call center was set up? Seemed like a fun, yet frustrating job.

Although I saw a few of the clips & previews on the YouTube site… I was almost afraid this was going to be a musical episode and I was going to have to throw a rock at my TV. Thank God, it wasn't.

The one that google chrome comes with, apparently… and has the highest rating (I think there's a few of 'em)

It's so the web censors doesn't bleep it. I know AV Club is rather lax compared to other sites, but just in case.

I loved how he was just counting down to it as well.

They already did cthulhu.

Well, that was a retarded reply