Rod Millington

Is a brand new car outselling on that has been on the market for like 6 or more years that surprising? Especially when that new car is in a market that traditionally sells in much higher volumes vs the typically much smaller sports car market?

Electrify it. Make it a little taller, sit the driver upright. 4 doors and trunk space. Call it the Z28-e….

I dunno, I could never understand the rules of Cricket.

It’s Australia; aren’t hits and misses backwards?

In the sense that it is vaguely similar in the general shape of the rear of its roofline, which is a pretty standard fastback shape, and otherwise is not similar in any way, sure.

Well the roof fell off in this case by all means but it’s very unusual.

The first couple of weeks are annoying, but after that new muscle memory kicks in and you pretty much stop thinking about it.

The Thundercougarfalconbird is happening!

I’ve been in an 8 year battle with the lead of my company’s QC department over the Oxford comma. Every time I move clients, I find a way to get the client to request it so I can overrule the QC standards and make that comma standard for the team. I will likely die on this hill.

A BMW grill on the front. 

I did some math with intention of refuting your comment by claiming that it makes more sense to calculate emissions per calorie, but it turns out:

100 grams of 85/15 beef: ~213 calories

I dunno bruh, first thing I’m gonna do when I get my Tundra is replace that sissy pink colored coolant. Damn that’s like for girls.

Also, this may be a good reminder to check in on people you know who might be having a hard time for any number of reasons.

My real problem is I can’t resist free mowers that don’t run that I fix with a quick clean of the carb, fresh oil and some adjustment to the kill cable. I now have three. So I’m sort of reduce, reuse, recycle on the gas mower.

by not voting republican

If you don’t wear a seatbelt, it is not just you you affect. Seeing your mangled remains wrecks the mental health of witness, road crews, first responders, and a lot of other folks in and around the various industries who have to deal with car wrecks and keeping roads clear. It wrecks your family, not just mentally,

This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.