Rod Millington

I have yelled, “GRRRR I’M ANGRY!!!” at more than a few Jeep drivers because of this modification.

Have you seen the new battery that Milwaukee is selling? I saw one on the shelf the other day, that sucker is massive! Seemed like the RSI you would get from hefting the thing all the time would negate the advantages of not having to change batteries.

Every car I have ever been in that has had multiple air fresheners has been hiding cigarettes, mould, dampness or a combination of the above.

Even if you’re not hiding anything it brings doubt into a buyers mind.

CP as it’s a bit steep on price (even taking in to account some negotiation). CP especially due to the sheer quantity of air fresheners.

Yeah, I’ve been saying this for almost two years now. I would happily pay an extra cost for a manual, just the same as people have been paying for automatics for decades.

Now if only BMW would listen so I could buy an M340i wagon with a manual. That’s my perfect car.

BuT THeY ALreADy MaKe a PaNaMEra COuPe

The Z4 is tuned to 382hp so there is easy power in the Supra.

My brain rests easy. Thank you for your work.

Thinking about having the clean inside the lips of those flares hurts me mentally.

Nah, looks like it doesn’t have enough rust yet.

I just wish they would sort it like a rainbow so it was easier to compare like colours.

I didn’t like the new Accord when it I saw the first photos of it but I think it looks much better in person (at least in sport trim).

I know several COs (wife’s family) and they all run strong with a need to feel superior and their position lets them do it with little to no consequences. It also gives them things to brag about over dinner.

So yes, this is exactly what many of them think their job is.

Gravitational lensing.

Not anymore. Anyone can now experience the sheer luxury of an illuminated logo for $450.

If you touch it you automatically accrue poison damage so he just has to wait for you to give up to get it back.

Nah, it’s better to just be a masochist. Because reasons and article clicks.

The...the whole thing is borked.

The permalink says “eaten by rare bird” so this is one better than the original title.

Yeah... you don’t want to fuck with a cassowary. They will properly fuck you up without remorse.