
I'd prefer it if Unkarted - or whatever they would name the racing game set in the Uncharted universe - were a launch title for the PS4. Crash Team Racing is still held as one of my favorite games of all time, and I think if they did something similar with Uncharted (just imagine how cool they could make some of

I'm sure the gameplay trailer was set up to show as much cool shit as possible in the nine minutes or so, but I don't think that anything shown couldn't happen dynamically in the game. I could be wrong though!

THANK YOU! Blocking Facebook (in turn Tetris), Giz, and Kotaku will increase my productivity by a factor of 10. You win.

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Classic jazz instrumentals with all the excitement and bass of EDM. Everyone should check Big G out, all of their material is this amazing, and I think it shows just how truly diverse EDM (and in turn dubstep) can be.

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Give it another shot :D This isn't strictly dubstep, but Big G has some other dubstep songs in the same vein. There's a whole plethora of amazing dubstep out there, a lot of it shit, yes, but a lot of it is also quality.

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I know you've claimed you've heard it all, but just give it one. more. chance. :D Skip to a minute in for things to start really picking up. This is more electronic in general, but Big G has put out some EXCELLENT dubstep songs in the same vein.

Just want to point out that there is a LOT more of this kind of dubstep, more on the melodic side than Skrillex WAHWAH "brostep." The sheer amount of diversity out there in all EDM in general is quite amazing, and if you like this kind of dubstep, then there's a lot more out there for you. I'd highly recommend all

That... That would seriously be amazing. Destruction a la Frostbite in user created levels? There would have to be other kinds of levels of course (love how I'm talking like this is a plausible idea), but as an option, that would make it a day one purchase for me.

Pretty similar to when I was playing the FIFA Street demo (most fun I've had playing a sports game in a while); as I ran up to the goalie, I juggled the ball up into the air to get past a defender, but the goalie caught the ball while it was in the air. My character didn't realize this, and tried kicking the ball in

Thanks for reminding me of that gem of a game. Haven't played it in 2+ years, but I remember that being the ONLY game I'd ever play. Must've beaten that story mode 8 times, it just never got old.

Sonic Sega Collection by far. Might even be possible in a day if you really tried.

3D? I must admit I'm rather disappointed with my purchase as well.... It hasn't gotten any play time past the initial week of wonder.

I think MS is going to announce their next XBOX next year, Sony on the other hand... But you're absolutely right, Nintendo will release this before anyone else, IDK why that slipped my mind.

I think this could be really good, but not for gaming. I think Nintendo is attempting on taking a bite of the iPad, I mean tablet (:P) market by putting a web browsing tablet in EVERYONE's hands The only way they could do this though is to make the Wii U cheap. Like $300 max. If they can get this out before the

I guess it's time to fire up Amnesia, as it's the only game on that list I have (though if any generous person feels like adding to that list, I'd love them for EVER xD). I got it in the original Humble Bundle, and STILL haven't played it. Wish me luck

I got the first Rockband, full set, at Target for $30. I actually bought two of them, one to resell back to GS for $50.