My DD is a fifth gen and that makes me biased, but I like it so much more than the 6th, and still think it looks better than almost anything on the road today. I suppose that it does look “dated”, but not out of date.
Oh, I would love to have that car to join my soft top E85. (I tried to buy an E86 once too) But way too much money, and way too much damage for the quoted price.
It seems that whenever my comment gets in the slideshow I always have a simple proofreading error...
Michigan native here... I am wondering what was worth more, the house or the Jeep?
Now us teachers will never be trusted again!
I love watching all kinds of restoration videos. When I was sick over the winter holiday I binge watched a lot of Vice Grip Garage as each episode was long (so I didn’t need to do anything but zone out), funny and informative.
I live overseas so the offerings here are a bit different from the US.
I was looking at new cars a few weeks ago and I had two stipulations- I can fit in with a helmet and I could get a guitar, amp and bass to fit in the trunk. Being a rear wheel drive, two door sports car were implied.
Now that it’s finally starting to feel like spring, I just started re-riding my bike to work today. Fortunately I live in a city that was build around bikes and cars were added later so there are huge bike lanes that have a median, grass and some trees or shrubs dividing most of the lane from traffic.
Oh, where should I start? My newest car is from 2011 and I think it is near perfect, I just wish it was more economical and powerful, which newer cars tend to be but I can not stand the screens, lack of physical buttons, so many intrusions on driving experience and needless to me safety functions. I would pay more to…
E85 Z4 owner here. My top is manual, and super easy and quick to go up and down, so I can’t complain there. I don’t mind the cup holders either. What I don’t like is how the dashboard is lit up like a Christmas tree because of all the electronic components failing and being too expensive to fix. So I used black…
As the crow flies, I live just over a mile away from the Beijing International Airport, and I can just imagine how wonderful the air would smell in this area if they started using hot pot oil to power planes. I’d probably be hungry all the time too.
Those are very interesting stories and do prove your point! I have some German friends and they are all still very direct in what they want to say, I don’t think much has changed there!
It’s not too difficult to navigate and just have an average life experience. things get complicated when you want to start a business or do more major actions. For me just working and hanging out I’ve never had a problem in the 20+ years of living here. And I don’t play the foreigner “get out of jail free card” and…
I agree with a lot of that, but have some thought to add. First off, with the diminishing population you also need to factor in the license plate lottery in some top tier cities. My wife is from Beijing and has been trying to get a Beijing license plate for almost 10 years. Additionally, car culture and private car…
I couldn’t finish reading the novel, White Noise, but watched the movie! Interesting how yet another time life imitates art.
I often post my most embarrassing moments here, things that I would never have confessed to my car friends in person…