
I swear to fucking god, why can’t we have mods to delete this bullshit?

Jesus fucking Christ.

Maybe this Frederick Douglass guy could do a better job for Baltimore. Many people are saying great things about him.

under the leadership of Elijah Cummings”

“Travel documents”? ICE is doing their damnedest to make this a “papers, please” country. Why the fuck would an American citizen carry a passport inside the US?

A friendly reminder; SNAP is basically a drop in the proverbial bucket when it comes to the federal budget, and “abuse of food stamps” is mostly a myth made up by white politicians to take food out of the mouth’s of the poor and give the money to the rich.

“My father was murdered outside his home by a trespasser who he confronted alone”

For my child’s safety...

No, no, mofo. If you were afraid of your “child’s safety” you wouldn’t have confronted a “trespasser” at all. If you were truly afraid because of your dad’s story, you would NOT have “confronted a trespasser”

Its Dont Stop Believing for Black people. You cant not love it.

You have some serious issues with authority, and should probably get help. The police are neither my parent nor my teacher. They have neither the moral nor intellectual high ground to be either. A cop is not my, or your, superior, on or off the clock. They work FOR US. They serve US. I do not have to take attitude

Not really. It’s legal there and he should be able to practice his state given rights. What’s stupid is that even black people uphold the double-standard for other black people that the law does. What’s stupid is that black men are seen as “stupid” for doing NOTHING illegal by their own people.

representing the entire lollipop guild.

“Shapiro is a lot of things but he isn’t condescending. He’s wrong but always willing to listen to the other side.”

Thicc Thor was the best thing about Endgame.

We allow felons to vote in my state and to my knowledge your “introduced uncertainties” have not taken place (although to be fair how would one know unless this were a focus of investigation).

One might think so, but speaking as a resident of a state that does not restrict the right to vote for felons, this really isn’t the case. Scandalously large as the number of incarcerated people is in this country, the prison voting block is just not that big relative to the larger population. (Perhaps simply because

The power of the vote is so weak that people who aren’t in jail can’t even be arsed to use it sometimes. But in the hands of a prisoner, I guess it becomes an immensely powerful weapon? Somehow.

Good points, all. Shows that I’ve let my Con Law skills get rusty with all of my contracts work.

Definitely, PS2 processer can’t handle that much woman.

I see you are a man of culture, as well....