Rockin Ray

The weird thing to me is that if you’d told me a bunch of weirdos on social media had decided they hate Anne Hathaway, I would’ve assumed the haters were Very Online straight dudes who resented the fact that she rose to fame in films like The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada that didn’t cater to the male

I am simultaneously someone who thinks most people are assholes, and people who feel the need to have no asshole policies have a high likelihood of being assholes.

Rebel Wilson *struggling* to stay relevant. 

Seatbelts apparently played a big factor in why all three people inside the car were able to survive this nasty wreck

Even at the time I never understood what everyone hated about her.  It was all nothing but juvenile meanness and never made sense.  She’s never had any scandal or anything that would indicate she was a bad person; she didn’t deserve that.

You buried the lede.

It’s amazing how it threaded the needle perfectly between two gas pumps. This could have been waaaaaaaay worse.

I have been working with teenagers for 25 years. I have learned to never underestimate the stupidity of people. 

There are so so many things wrong with a drunk teenager rolling a Porsche.

Yup, that’ll happen.

The AV Club loves to take one thing they don’t like about a movie, then make that the only thing ever mentioned about the movie again.

While drunk?

Man, that first paragraph is a journey.

Partially AI generated? It’s just one picture with human did the finishing touch. Geez, considering what happened to Kotaku (new article created by “Kotaku AI Staff”) it’s only a matter of time AVClub will be generated by AI. Which somehow better than Sam Barsanti article.

Rape is awful and very serious. As a victim, you should know that it doesn’t help to lie about it. Now, your bizarre rants look fake. If you want to be a genuine advocate, this ain't it.  :(

He hasn’t even been accused of rape, let alone charged or convicted.

I’m no fan of the monarchy or the royal family, but waiting a few weeks to tell the entire world that you have cancer, giving your young kids a little bit of time to process it privately, all while the jackals on social media are making up conspiracy theories... seems fair to me.

Once again we have learned that the internet is full of awful people that should mind their own business.

Trust me.....they don’t.  Fucking ghouls.

Fuck cancer. And I hope the people who spent the past few weeks clamoring for details about a stranger’s private life feel a little bit bad about themselves after this news.