Rockin Ray

I mean, none of that sounds uncommon for what happens to shared property in a divorce. If the genders were reversed, we wouldn’t see any problem with a lesser-earning woman making a claim for all or part of a marital asset like the house. The law pretty much says that it doesn’t matter if one spouse makes the money

I believe a lot of this can still be attributed to Cash for Clunkers.

So, “delinquencies for people aged 18-29 hit a five-year high?” Just what’s this number? Might’ve been worth including that, as it’s only the article’s basic premise.

It’s taxes to, It’s always depressing seeing that I actually make really good money Gross, but then seeing my paycheck after taxes is like geez, and then watching .gov spend it on stupid stuff that doesn’t actually pan put is even more depressing.

Used cars are also, of course, more expensive now than they ever have been. But I still think you’re right. It’s still possible to buy a good, cheap, used car if you need a car.  At least in my local market.

But if you’re making shit money, maybe you shouldn’t be buying the average new car.

Ah yes, this is what I come to a car enthusiast blog to read about.

why hasn’t anyone posted this gif yet?

Lemon has always been an actively moronic television presence and his continued employment in any capacity has been a constant puzzle to me. He’s just not a smart person and has all the confidence of a mediocre white man.

The director has stated that the assistant director said “Cold Gun” and handed the gun to Baldwin. If that is repeated under oath, that would clear Baldwin of negligence under the law.

Might wanna change article title. The part that says “…ban healthcare ban for trans youth” to “…ban healthcare for trans youth

“the Bucks hope to see if Leonard can help the team reach the playoffs”

Ban healthcare ban implies something completely different that the article states.

Ohio has had rivers catch fire. The town will be fine. A few neighboring houses might get abandoned.

Seems like he’s trying to do better. People should have the opportunity to improve themselves.

Yeah south Florida is actually very liberal. There is a reason the last race for Governor was so close.

Uh, yes? Sorry, but you do realize there are Jewish people in Florida, right? And queer people? And people of every race?

All things considered, this is a pretty good apology. No “if I offended anyone” type of thing. “I said it because I’d heard it before and didn’t know what it meant. I’m mortified that I said it now that I do know what it meant. I know it hurt people, I’m sorry, I’m trying to be better and to educate myself.” It’s a

While the FRA draws a lot more water than state level politics, the Secretary of Transportation doesn’t actually directly oversee that department. Which is dumb, but a product of how the whole railroad industry predates most conventional government oversight.

The strike had absolutely nothing to do with regulations. It was 100% better time off policies including using sick days without repercussion and of course increased wages.