Rockin Ray

It was nice when Robert Smith of The Cure got Ticketmaster to back down on the ridiculous overcharge on his $20 tickets that he was selling.

I’m too careless of a player to ever do Hardcore mode.  I’ll get distracted and end up wading into a pile of Fallen and getting swarmed and my skeleton army being dead, I’ll die right after lol

Most of the writers on the GMG sites aren’t really capable of doing better....

Wasn’t it Blood & Wine that was $25?  Hearts of Stone was only ten bucks as that was the smaller expansion.

I’m still surprised that in 2023 they don’t have ports to Macs for AAA games since there are a ton of people who use macs now unlike in say 1999 or 2000. I only play on console (Xbox X) nowadays since my laptop is nowhere near powerful enough to run most PC games well, but still I get why people are bothered.

Didn’t they make it so it’s more reasonable while subtracting from other classes? It’s generally been really fun as it’s a new class for me, and I love to explode things lol.  I’ve done three codex dungeons. Didn’t realize until too late that 2 of them were not for my class (I wasn’t paying attention on the map and

I’m constantly trying to animate corpses in boss fights! They die so much quicker than normal fights, that I usually have to forego any corpse explosions to keep them up to annoy the boss.

I was seriously thinking about doing that last night.  Will probably do that this weekend.  I like a challenge, but not an ass kicking beatdown lol

Yeah, same here. Only time I died on a boss in 3 on normal difficulty is the Reaper (expansion) and Belial.

I started using Blood Lance cuz I got some gear that gives a +1 bonus to both Lance and Spear.  Will try using Corpse Tendrils; might respec a bit since I have more than enough gold to do so.  Thanks for the tip!

I’m playing the game as a Necromancer. First time I’ve ever played a Diablo game as a Necro. It was the only class I didn’t try in Diablo 3 and didn’t play enough of Diablo 2 before peacing out. I LOVE exploding corpses, so killing mobs in the game is super easy. I do find that bosses are far harder than I ever

He never seems calm, so not surprised to see he came that hard for Hensothor.

Yep, full heartedly agree.  Also, I think the “additional evidence” relates back to the Indiana Pacers incident.

Yeah, asphalt is usually reserved for multi-use paths, which are also frequently 10' wide (wider if there’s a lot of ped/bike traffic). Source: Civil design engineer.

Bought the game, downloaded it last night, ready to explode some corpses this evening when I get home from work!  I played the shit out of Reaper of Souls version, ready to play the shit out of this.  The friends on my facebook who are already playing are all having oodles of fun (when they can connect lol)

Luckily I still have 560 GB on my XboxX even after downloading Diablo 4 last night!

I have a problem loading comments on iPhone too (if the page doesnt just reload).  Comments also take forever to load on some articles on computer too.  It’s been getting worse.

I wouldn’t necessarily call a $5M difference in opening weekend numbers blowing out of the water.  Also, the new movie isn’t actually getting the best reviews so who knows if it will get a lot of repeat viewing.

Definitely caused a double take!

It’s not even nosediving anymore, I think the plane has already crashed. It’s not just here; it’s happening across the sites. So many Jezebel and Jalopnik (don’t even get me started on AVClub) articles have basic grammar problems that a quick glance through would correct.