Rockin Ray

Might be laughed out of court, but it does leave her at risk of being black listed in the industry, making it even harder for her to get work (since it seems like she hasn’t had a lot of work in theater or VA)

The prices going down and supply being up due to refineries opening up isn’t the result of the saudis. Crude should be higher based on OPEC+ manipulation not lower.

It’s been awhile since I’ve drank a beer in the shower, but it HAS happened in my past. lol

Don’t forget Lenovo and Kairos Media who actually put up the booth in an unsafe environment. Twitch gets hit just by not shutting that shit down as soon as they were notified there may be an issue.

That’s fair!  

Oh that’s good.  One of the things that bothered me about 4.

Only one I’ve faced is Astel, and it didn’t creep me out nearly as much as the Fire Giant with that fire breathing face in the middle of its chest or Rykard the damned Snake (At least Rykard was an easy beat.  Just took 3 tries; Astel I think I got it in 5 tries; I lost track of how many times I died to Fire Giant

It’s not like he doesn’t actually have a good point that focusing solely on making the biggest return in terms of raw numbers does tend to detract from taking risks with art or making more modest stories that while making the investment worth it, doesn’t make all the money in the world.

Having greater range for my Storm Blade skill is definitely a nice thing!

Counterpoint: Give the dogs all the weapons.  I welcome our robot dog overlords.

There’s not going to be a lockout or new contract deal for a good long time as the current deal runs through the 2030 season.

The only thing that should come as a surprise to any of these affected is the timing itself.  The writing has been on the wall for awhile now that eventually it would be shut down.

I mean, 25 miles in either direction and said 18 feet of surge could be 4 feet of surge instead and an unflooded car....

But.... they want to kill you! 

The charging attack by the one in Mt Geilmer killed me so hard too many times. It finally got beat down by Nox’s Flowing Hammer +9 weapon art that would at least knock the bastard down some and just spamming that.

Easier said than done!

Yeah, that was Miyazaki saying how can I troll players even harder than normal....

Runebears plain suck.  I can never roll fast enough to get through unscathed and end up using like 8 crimson flasks to beat the fat bastards.

I lived in the area (SE Wisconsin) during the Dahmer trial as a 13-14 year old.  That was more than enough.

I’m still struggling on Niall to get to Malenia’s area as the damn bewitching branches havent worked for me to beat Niall. I discovered Mohgwynn’s palace last night which got me the additional ghost glovewort 9 to get my Mimic Tear to +10 (I already had the Great ghost one).