Rockin Ray

I mean, this has got to be the least surprising news in the wrestling industry ever, right? He’s always been a sleazy hornball since I became aware of wrestling around the time of Wrestlemania 3 (I was all of 9 years old at the time). Who can be shocked that he killed a career for not keeping putting out for him. 

Those elden ring rats are the least chill rats around....

I mean it’s different judges, different courtroom. Both judges are female. The judge in the R. Kelly case may also be thinking of the fact that he has other trials pending in both State and Federal courts. Maxwell is 60, most likely is going to not be released until she’s at least 77 as she’s got to serve 85% of her

Looks like the judge thought life was a good call, as 30 years at his age is definitely a lifetime.  I don’t know how he will fare in prison, so I can see him suicide as well.

He literally pissed his career away....

Also, is it just me or when you click on the comments (when you’re viewing stories in the “latest” tab) is it not actually going to the comments section of the article you want but just staying on the “latest” page?  Was wondering if that was a new Kinja “feature”....

It’s also what civility obsessed Boomer Democrats would say. You know, the old ones who get their pants brown at “stooping” to the level of gutter politics where you need to get nasty. He’s 67 and white, so that’s really not much surprise. He’s also running in the Democratic Primary next summer which Lightfoot is

Vallas isn’t a conservative. Certainly not any more than either of the Mayors Daley or Rahm Emanuel, and probably not even more Lightfoot herself, given her own police background. Still, he’s just an old loon at this point, who as usual won’t win the Democratic primary next year.  Seriously, he runs just to get shut

Especially as it’s $2,350 at the base minimum to leave. That’s just for the form/process and doesn’t factor any other costs into it (having a job lined up overseas, having housing available overseas, the cost of new citizenship there so you aren’t stateless). It’s just as tone deaf as when actors say they are going to

Right?! They have some really messed up politics once you get away from the abortion issue. Brexit and Boris to name the first two to pop off.

They pay her to write, not proofread until after publishing....

Yeah, it’s safe to say this is jusssssst a bit predatory...

Ehhhhh, most people say that, but when it comes down to it, the vote almost universally comes down to the economy.  There’s a reason why they say “It’s the economy, stupid” after all.  People vote with their wallets mostly.

The league is pissed that the deal signed is only $1M this year and backloaded his guaranteed yearly money which is opposite of what they usually do.

Actually, if it comes to it, it’s going to ultimately force Dan Snyder to sell if it is indeed proven true that he was messing with other teams’ money. That’ll be the step he takes that went too far. It won’t be up to Goodell regarding that discipline, it’s up to the other owners about it.

He leaps to that because Recognitions is a white knight tilting at windmills.  

Isn’t Bill Cosby “only” in his 80's?  He’s not 94 years old, for sure.  He’d still be in his late 30s which is bad enough.

He still has Activision-Blizzard making money hand over fist.  It’s pretty naive to expect the shareholders to change the board up now.  Until something actually causes them to *lose* money, nothing is going to change.

At least the headline for this article has the correct word usage for torn....

Nancy doesn’t really need the time jump as much as Natalia Dyer has one of those perpetually young faces. It’s not like she’s Gabrielle Carteris playing Andrea back on 90210. At least the guy playing Dustin doesn’t really need to worry either, since he has that genetic problem that has him missing both shoulders keeps