I’m still like level 33 confessor, so I’m still finding it pretty hard! :-p
I’m still like level 33 confessor, so I’m still finding it pretty hard! :-p
Its kind of funny that Shaun King quit in a shit fit last night. That’s cutting off your nose to spite your face material given that like 90% of his notoriety is through Twitter. The deal isn’t going to be fully closed for a few months at least, so may as well stick around if it’s useful to you.
I mean, I agree that it is a radioactive garbage dump of a place, and I hardly used it at all to begin with, but don’t use at all anymore, but if the social media site is free, they are monetizing the data. Whether it’s FB/Insta, Twitter, Parler, MeWe, Gab, LinkedIn, or Friendster, they all exist to monetize the data…
Ok, I’ll grant you that one! That needs to be there
Yeah FF12 was great and was pretty much my favorite outside of the Super Nintendo games. Being able to program everything so it ran well was cool, and having to change it up depending on the battle. If you really wanted to you could control all the characters with overrides (unlike in 15, which.... yeah) , though that…
That’s a hell of a lot of rioting. Not sure if it’s going to be worth all that effort!
I’ve been reading a lot and spending a lot of time perusing the Fextralife wiki and map so I can understand what the hell I am doing in Elden Ring. I need all the help I can get as I have not gitted gud yet (it’s my intro to souls bourne games).
Wasn’t intending to be helpful to any cause, just pointing out that Zuckerberg is still around. He’s probably *worse* than Musk, tbh.
I mean, Zuckerberg for Meta, has defacto control since he owns/controls 58% of the voting shares and gets to decide who sits on the board. What Zuck wants, Zuck gets.
Nah, if you read what they wrote, they think it’s bullshit to have sick days in general and shot be decided by a doctor. (They are European so have a different outlook on sick days and other health related issues when it comes to work)
That was going to be a lawsuit waiting to happen by other shareholders (if not Musk himself). If they did that, they would be devaluing the shares, which current shareholders would look most unfavorably upon.
There already exists a premium tier that unlocks certain features. It started last September I think it was.
That’s what I’m trying to do. Just beating up on things, exploring, finding golden seeds, and leveling my character. It’s addictive!
And they were already getting shareholder pushback when they initially dismissed his offer and put in that “poison pill”.
Yeah, I like FBD well enough, but Vulgar was better by a good margin.
Wasn’t a water bottle thrown at him before Tyson threw hands? So violence was already initiated by drunk douchebro.
Aren’t at least a 1/3 of those subscribers lost Russian? And then probably another small amount Belarus. That’s a pretty big loss and could go up again whenever sanctions are lifted.
I don’t know about that. I’m digging it so far, but as it is my first FS game since 1997, I die so easily (playing as a confessor/paladin type) lol. I really have no idea what I’m doing 15 hours in (at least I have a broadsword +3 now lol)
Theres a large percentage of Utah folks who think Mitt Romney is too liberal or too squishy and resent voting for him. Thats the scary thing
I think one reason why colds and flus are kicking people’s butts in length of time is that our bodies forgot how to fight them. Like my mom got her first cold in a couple years at the end of March and it’s still hanging on, my Dad’s got better in about 10 days (both tested negative several times for Covid, they are…