They are going full Splinter 2018 territory. I’m also shadowbanned there, but I hate read it a lot, and really their shittiness is on par with the worst of Splinter.
They are going full Splinter 2018 territory. I’m also shadowbanned there, but I hate read it a lot, and really their shittiness is on par with the worst of Splinter.
15 years seems pretty reasonable for an expected lifespan. Chances are, though, the lifespans will be extended for any number of reasons (similar to telescopes outliving their design life). Technological advances may be far enough along that replacement would be useful?
Yes, California wouldn’t approve of it on an expedited basis, and I doubt they would have approved of it under a normal process either.
gotta also blame the prosecutor for offering up the deal.
gotta also blame the prosecutor for offering up the deal.
I mean it’s Tatiana, so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. Her takes are often worse than Barsanti’s.
There’s no way in the world this should have been sanctioned. I would have hoped even Florida’s commission would have stopped the farce. Holyfield is lucky he wasn’t carried out on a stretcher. Next time, he probably wouldn’t be so lucky.
Rodgers certainly looked checked out against the Saints; then again, the same could be said about the Pack’s defense.
It was still a callous disregard to safety even if there is no intent.
Only way the elevation difference is going to change is by lowering the roadway. The railroad certainly isn’t going to pay to raise the tracks. They are too cheap, even if it was only a two track section. I’m a civil engineer/geometrics designer. Trying to get a railroad to do anything is worse than pulling teeth with…
The last movie I saw in the theaters was End Game, and the one before that was Infinity War. I think for the most part movies are fine to go to when it’s not a premier/opening weekend. Even before the pandemic, I end up finding times when there’s just hardly anyone there (whether it’s in my 100K hometown of Kenosha,…
Once again, the rule is NEVER TWEET!
yeah, given this is the holiday weekend, it’s actually a bit surprising they moved that fast. It was barely 24 hours!
Not as a CEO of a tech company. It’s one thing to not have any vocal policies/beliefs; it’s another to espouse on a topic that is a super hot button topic in a way as to offend half the market. He failed PR 101.
I’m right along Lake Michigan in Edgewater (just south of Loyola campus). It can easily take 30 minutes to I-94 if traffic is bad in the mornings. The other N/S corridors aren’t exactly well equipped to travel the 11 miles or so to get to work. Instead of a 35 minute commute, I’d have over an hour.
I spent 18 months not really driving as I was spending time in Wisconsin with my parents while I was not working (they could use the help around the house, and I have room to roam unlike my 1 bedroom apartment, plus they have a dog to play with), but I just started working again in the City last week, and I have to go…
My sister (aged soon to be 42)(and her wife) and oldest nephew (13 YO) just got their first shot in the last couple of weeks, as it wasn’t available to them until just recently. New Zealand was low on the totem pole for getting the shots, but for the longest time it wasnt totally necessary as they could limit the…
I always figure it generally means don’t @ them if you’re on twitter or Instagram or send messages (or call?) to any family/friends. But when it comes to minor celebrities also don’t talk bad about them lol
I mean, I can understand being hesitant when it *first* came out, as I was, but I wasnt even eligible in Wisconsin until early April, so by the time it got to my turn, there was no doubt it was the right decision to get it!
I only feel bad for his family and friends. Outside of that, given he didn’t have a valid reason not to get the vaccine, nope, not feeling bad!