The Legendary RockHard™

Coz he’s an antisemite like Ilhan Omar

Dats rayciss! The politically correct term is thugs or crackheads

Looks like we found a broke basement bitch! You like gettin jizzed on you shitstain Fagstallion?

Females are crazy, lol.

At least until her sex tape leaks.

It’s weird how black people don’t think they have to obey commands from police anymore.

Thank God the Democrats know it is more important to give weapons to nazis in Ukraine than to give the American people healthcare.  

I no longer work in high finance. I was forced to return to university studies after some bad stock trades. It is a major lifestyle downgrade. I can’t even afford tennis lessons for my unaborted daughter. She learns tennis from youTube videos.

This unfair law forces women to choose between careers and children. Many career-minded pregnant women don’t have the luxury of taking time off for rehab.

In my former profession of high finance it was understood that any woman who is serious about career advancement is on Adderall and uppers. Of course a pregnancy

Maybe stop sniffin my bunghole for a second, you minimum wage basement bitch!

On da internet if you’re not fucking, you’re the one gettin fucked!

What the fuck are you talkin about?What is a Pickme? Now there’s an anti-Pickme too? And what the fuck kinda name is Sara Youngblood Greggy anyway?

Get a job.

If something offends you, don’t engage with it.  Why should the rest of us have to censor ourselves because your butthurt little fragile ass can’t take a few words you don’t agree with?  Cry more, bitch. 

Millennials are emotional basket cases:

This article kinda proves his point, doesn’t it?

If any of you Indiana sluts wanna get an abortion, the Legendary RockHard’s erection is always available for action!

When you see a dude claiming to be a woman or vice versa its a dead giveaway.

Cant believe dat thug Victor Oogabooga can just assault a woman and get away with it! NBA full of dangerous crackheads livin da thug life