
I'm not here to win an argument, I'm here to make it clear that you cannot redefine words to suit your purpose without someone being challenged.

I'm sorry, I know you tried your best, but no, your dumb comment isn't going to win a prize.

I'm not co-ordinating with anyone, motherfucker.

Yes it it. That's what it means.

Moral suasion is not censorship and I vehemently oppose any attempt to make it seem equivalent.

Again, we are not the government so we cannot censor anyone.

Oh my god.

That's not what censorship is.

This entire topic is crazy-making. Who in their right minds would trust these writers with their track record on doing justice to any of those things.

Well, for a start it's not clear it's going to be against the South and racism.

I think the word "presumably" is doing quite a lot of work in your second paragraph.

Buddy, there's no prize for "dumbest comment online".

It's not a show about the south and racism, it's about the south winning the civil war.

HRC lost a slam-dunk election largely on her own merits; sure she had help from various forces but it should never been close enough for those things to swing it. She was a polarising candidate when she ran in '08 and she was again in '16.

From following him on Twitter for years before finally giving up post-Corbyn last year.

Funny writer, shit politics. He's always been like this.

Oh get bent.

This is it, isn't it? All this so the rich can get fractionally richer, or perhaps rich enough that when the balloon pops they can construct their fortresses and retire to a life of leisure.

This prog rock disliker absolutely will be getting behind the wheel of a car to run over left-wing protestors or perhaps children in a kindergarten within the next year or so.

How much worse a chud than Trump will the repubs find next time? I shudder.