
ICBMs can be intercepted. This thing is an absolute terror

Uh.... You forgot the giant orbital laser cannon that blew up when the Soviets tried to send it into orbit. As well as the machine gun and missile armed manned space stations they already had up there.

Kind of spooky when you find out these things were looked into...

Hey Rogoway.

This is likely a fake.

This was most likely just a rifle in a fancy box.

Uh, no.

Okay... I did not get that last gif reference....

I suppose you might be, but try not to be too anal about it.

Because sometimes a horizontal ICBM is what you need...

1) H-bombs are typically a fission-fusion-fission device. The initial fission based shell acts as a tamper or blasting cap compresses the core, creating fusion and a LOT of neutrons. Those neutrons are soaked up by that shell (currently in the middle of a decent fission cascade) and boosts the fission reaction by a…