Because she wanted to murder the guy she thought was the god of war so everything would be over (she thought) - and he, er, disagreed.
Because she wanted to murder the guy she thought was the god of war so everything would be over (she thought) - and he, er, disagreed.
Who says he colluded with the Russians? We don’t know yet. It’s seemingly fishy and/or dumb (although also apparently consistent with the accepted view of his personality) that he’s denying that Russia was trying to influence the election while trying to get the feds to stop looking into it.
Exactly. No decency. No high ground.
What I really don’t understand is how anybody who’s not a scorched Earth Trump supporter can still argue that he’s better than Clinton (who will, the argument goes, willsomehow destroy the country) or any democrat.
I’m trying to figure out which Trump wrote this.
Obviously, terrorists and radical Islam and the media and liberals trying to take away our guns are to blame.
Jokes aside, I kind of wish everybody would just ignore her - like we should have been doing with Sarah Palin once it was clear she was never going to be vice-president.
I’d be suprised if anyone in the film calls her General Leia. We haven’t seen anything related to the film refer to her as that.
I’ve had it with Internet know-it-alls. How do you know he couldn’t have made that lame joke in 1991? Alzheimers can take years to progress — and progression varies. My 77-year-old dad’s about 4 years into it, and he still makes jokes. He can’t figure out how to open the garage door on some days, but he knows what’s…
Yeah, all the townsfolk’s appeals — to all the good he did and the harm this will do to his family — are pretty disheartening.
And is still getting.
Yeah, in one of the news stories at least one person said he believed it was a false confession. What they’re not saying is what they really mean: they think the girl made it up, imagined it or encouraged it. Which makes me want to go down there and punch them.
The thing is, politics aside, the severity of accidents increases at high speeds. It’s physics. That, and there’s a lot less time to react and correct mistakes.
I’m pro-choice. I’m not pro-abortion. Unless we’re talking about the morning-after pill, I don’t think it’s value-neutral for everybody, especially women who’ve had abotions, even though that I agree it’s often the only decsion left. I wish there were better options — better sex ed for both genders, better access to…
I’m pro-choice (I was put up for adoption at birth back when abortion was illegal in Canada) and, even though I know in my head it’s not true, this Fiorina rhetoric about live babies being held down so their brains can be harvested is so viscerally disturbing that it’s actually affecting my views on this (I’m still…
What truth? That tissue is being used for research? It’s not new.
Sadly, I don’t think that would make much of a dent on public opinion. Facts rarely seem to.
I think it’s all just down to (whiny) “but he did it too, liberals! Why’s that okay?” without looking at the actual issue.
I’ve been thinking more along these lines lately. Not that Palin and supporters are necessarily dumb, but they have a limited education, a pretty narrow world view, a defensive distrust of learning and apparently limited critical thinking skills. They know what they’ve personally experienced and what they hear from…
And she’s a woman saying out loud all the crap trolls were saying online — Aren’t there rape kits? Why didn’t they go to the police or the hospital? Why are they coming out now?