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Hey Torchy! Wanna look at my pic-a-nic gasket?

I think what he’s saying is that they agreed upon an amount/percentage and they have failed to uphold that specific contribution.

Government official/NHSTA: This couldn’t possibly be defeated!

The Tuesday Morning PiIeup of 2025?

“I picked RAM memory...”

“When discussing the off-road performance of anything, only one vehicle comes to mind—the Jeep Wrangler.”

The phrasing is key. Like saying “The Pearl Harbor of modern America - 9/11 was a terrible tragedy”. The latter portion of the sentence supports the analogy at the begging.

My dumb high school self thought it would be fun to try pulling a handbrake left turn in my Suzuki Sidekick with my siblings in the car with me ( did I say dumb? I meant total loss of brain). Turn left from the highway at ~25mph on soaked roads, thinking I’ll be all cool and pull mad drifts yo! Turn starts out great,

I’ve coined the term “yoyoing” for these people. Like a yoyo, they keep going back and forth.

I’ve always believed incentives help more than taxes for getting people to make up their mind. Positive vs. negative reinforcement. Give them a reason to save money in a short term period and they will jump at it. Trying to give long-term fuel cost/energy savings makes people’s heads hurt and has a lower impact when


So if the finger wins COTD....


Can’t take off WELL. Dead English teachers could power the sun right now.

Honestly, the term racism is improperly used to a larger extent than people choose to admit. The true definition is viewing one race as superior to another simply due to that factor (i.e. I’m X and your are Y, so therefore you are worse). In reality, the problem we face is prejudice, stereotypes, and confirmation bias

Totally acceptable.