
Can we offer him in trade?

Why is this showing on my feed on 12.20.2016????

No, it was made by Zack Snyder.

Every time there is a space article I am throwing my own theory out there. Dark Energy is one of the least understood properties of nature and yet we are realizing that it is all around us. We also know that the rate that it gets created is increasing. Scientists also seem to have no idea where it comes from. Well

“story that Suicide Squad wanted to tell”

No soggy bottoms? Boy, what constant sorrow!

The comment section is that... opinions are much welcomed!

Wait.....It took TWO people to write this?

I searched “below average” and got a nice selfie.

But, maybe doing it this way will prevent it from being CSI: Space Station.

Sheesh, you stans are sensitive today! Did someone steal your headphone jack?

Cut to three months from now: Big tech tough guy WHO IS PUTTING HIS FOOT DOWN IN THE GIZMODO COMMENTS The Noble Renard buys a pair of lighting wired headphones for $10.99 on Amazon.

I now know the sound of someone who thinks they’re falling to their there’s that.

The second is the mythical way he conquered chairs.

but now it’s now floating around farms in England for final testing.

And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.

Maybe Bothans just die easily?

Marble Hornets; which I guess counts as a series, but seriously... five minutes of that are scarier than most whole horror films.