
I prefer my shit over ice, but that’s just me.

Welllllll that looks terrible.

How much land are we donating to Mexico after all is said and done?

Quiet, you.

Or we could just leave them the fuck alone.

Christian Bale played Bruce Wayne, Michael Cain played Alfred, but Heath Ledger was Joker. People have their ideas of which actor portrayed the villain the best, and all of those opinions are valid, but no one can deny that when you’re watching The Dark Knight, you forget you’re watching an actor in a role.

I’ve always liked the idea that Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead shared the same universe, so that, I guess. I’d pay money to watch a Walter Jr zombie crawl after Gabriel.

You Lefties do not control a single branch of government and you are about to lose the SCOTUS completely.

I have a feeling that Snoke is referring to Rey at the beginning of the trailer and that his monologue at the end is part of the same scene.

Get a real job, and if you actually care about the content you’re producing, you’ll find a way to do it without holding your hand out.

I’m just spit-balling, here, but what if these alleged attacks are being made up? What proof can someone give that they’ve been hit by some sort of invisible ray gun other than complaining of neural symptoms? I wouldn’t put it past this administration to use this as an excuse to roll back positive relations with Cuba.

IMO Star Trek should always be forward looking

Anime, where a single illustration can carry a scene for 13 seconds and beyond.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

That’s ridiculous. You’re paying a fair, reasonable amount to have somebody drive you from point A to point B. There is absolutely no reason to expect chauffeur-level service, so don’t calibrate you five-star-o-meter to it.

Maybe Flashpoint will explain why past-DCEU is enjoyable and decent and present DCEU is grimdark and humorless.

Crazy Nic Cage and bitchy-teen deaths? Sounds like the perfect movie.

The whole point of a protest is to make a cause obvious and raise awareness of it. If I have to google it, your protest sucks.

Parts of Beyond gave me hope that the movie team would have made a decent show. Not a whole lot of the original films dealt with exploration and “boldly going”.

If ios11's biggest problem is “this little thingy is confusing the first couple times I do it, waah”, then I’d say that’s a win.