
I’ve never really understood the hype around Boba Fett. I mean, his ‘armor’ is just a sweatshirt and cargo pants with plastic glued on it.

The only motivation a narcissistic megalomaniac needs to cause chaos is being spurned. The general denied him funding; boom, dead. The board of directors shut him out of his own company; boom, dead. Spider-man rejects his partnership; well, you get the idea. As for your other point, I don’t even remember Gwen Stacey

I read that the reason Hank is initially cold to Kara is that he’s jealous of her. Something about him being seven feet tall and green and her looking like a cheerleader. Still, seeing Martian Manhunter on screen was great. I wasn’t too impressed with the CG, though. It doesn’t look bad when you pause it, but in

Sesame Street isn’t perfect, but it’s better than some of the alternatives (I’m looking at you, Teletubbies). I remember my grandpa not letting me watch it when I was a kid because he said Cookie Monster encouraged bad grammar. Seems kind of ridiculous, but it it’s reasonable to assume that I probably would have

Any additional weight would probably just cause it to lose efficiency. It’s an electric motor, right?

Apparently you can carve parts out of Styrofoam and do the same thing. I didn’t realize it worked with plastic, though. Pretty cool.

I’m a shitty welder. I used to be decent in high school, but I may have welded twice in the 8 years since. This is kind of my dream hobby, though. I don’t have an engineering background, but I do feel like I have enough common sense to come up with cool designs and build them. Melting down metal and casting car parts


The piston is connected to a flywheel. It just needs to be heavier.

Put some sand in an uncrushed can and then crush it. The can folds in a way that keeps the sand in the bottom. I’ve never done it but it seems like that’s how it works.

Or a longer connecting rod.

It seems like there’s a limit to how thin something can get and still be comfortable to hold and use. Am I wrong?

I fangasmed when I saw her in the new Hunger Games movie. Hopefully she has more screen time in TFA.

So...they’re a primordial Bulbasaur? Pokemon confirmed.

Could we apply this information to communicate instantly with things off planet?

~ -> TGM

I test drove a 15 Mustang GT. It was slower than I expected and it had too much body roll. The automatic could be blamed for the slow, but there’s no excuse for the body roll. They had a huge chance and they blew it. I get that they’ve sold a lot and that’s great, but I don’t feel like it’s as good as it could/should

I can’t say whether he’s a lazy Irish cunt, but he sure sounds like a bitchy one.