There's no way there's 1100 dollars worth of tech in there. It's called owning the market. We all know what Sony does when they have no competition.
There's no way there's 1100 dollars worth of tech in there. It's called owning the market. We all know what Sony does when they have no competition.
It was a holdover from the 90's, what do you expect? At least it didn't have any faux wood trim.
So, it's like Sim City - Tomagotchi version. It could work, if it wasn't EA at the helm.
I guess I'm the only one here who would sell everything he owns just to buy a used windshield wiper blade off that Merc. It's so pretty.
Just because I hate looking at it.
Bowser's main drawback for me is that his hitbox is freakin huge. He's hard to use unless it's one on one.
Being 24 and still a sophomore, I've become incredibly jealous of the guys that finished in four years with a laser focus on their goals and dreams. I may have finally decided on what I want to do when I grow up, I just wish I had found it ten years ago so I could have an advantage.
Your scale of grossness is strange. Are you saying that frozen poop is only one gross factor away from scrotum bubbles?
I honestly thought she was speaking another language until you translated for me. That accent is thick.
File size and space is moot. Storage is cheap, and SD cards easily fit in a pocket.
RAW requires more work to process in post? I'm going to have to disagree. If you have a post stage at all, it's definitely easier to get a photo shot in RAW to do what you want.
Building a motion triggered night light for under my bed seemed like a good idea at the time. At least, that's what I thought until it began turning on with no observable provocation.
Kramer, will you cut the crap, please?
I'm surprised they could zip up that suit past his giant testicles.
I remember hooning an early to mid 2000's Corolla with a stick around some tight corners near where I live a while back. It was terrible, but in a way, that's what made the experience so great.
That's great and all, but do their fish swim away when you get close to them?
It's too bad the GTA Online Content Creator doesn't have even a third of this flexibility.
The only two things I remember from Halo CE is Blood Gulch and The Silent Cartographer. Maybe that's because I only ever played the demo.
Cartridge tilting was fun, especially with Mario 64. You thought Mario was short already...
I'm looking forward to the day where every individual leaf is rendered in a tree in mainstream games.