If the White House pronounces it like "ghif" then it's probably safe to say it's pronounced "jif".
If the White House pronounces it like "ghif" then it's probably safe to say it's pronounced "jif".
Over the past several years I've heard and read things like, "we can see people kill each other on TV but we aren't allowed to see people naked," which could be interpreted as society becoming more and more sexualized. Condom sales are another sign of that. In this article, I didn't see any mention of a link between…
Juke inspired exterior, rental car interior. Why are these going for 40k again?
Hang around old people anywhere and you'll probably hear some really racist stuff.
Sounds like BS. I live in the south and this is the first time I've ever heard that the N-word is the original word in the rhyme.
This right here is really what we should take away from this.
Why is a video about tucking in a shirt seven minutes looooong?
This just screams misinformation.
If only it was that easy. I need about an hour head start so I can compensate for the time I'm laying their waiting to fall asleep.
Me: OK, so where's the "create a ballroom...button"?
Justin as actually about 2 miles north of the Speedway. Directly behind it is low density rural residences. Considering that the TV probably doesn't extend much (if at all) higher than the west side grandstand leads me to believe that most people are probably just seeing the glow. I don't think anyone is going to be…
I think you might be under estimating the size of the speedway. 360 feet is nothing compared to the enormity of the stadium.
That's the one thing I wish my SL1 had, is an articulating screen. Mostly the same camera though, but I spent 450 on mine.
Wherever you are and cops aren't. Be safe though...
True, but a car has less to worry about than your exposed spandex clad rear end.
Guess I'm the only one that likes the 4-2.
Turn it into a Morgan.
I'm an introvert; I don't always feel comfortable talking to people one on one, but I have this strange draw to speaking in front of large crowds. I don't understand it.
I've always thought a foxbody rally car would be cool. Not incredibly great, but still cool.
You definitely give Ford too much credit.